

指揮者 福田 光太郎[English]



藝大在学中より指揮活動を始め、市民オペラ団体などで副指揮者、合唱指揮者として経験を積む。フジテレビ主催、ニューヨーク・シティ・オペラ共同制作による「世界平和祈念コンサート」の合唱指揮、東京国際芸術協会(TIAA)のオペラ公演、ガラ・コンサート、また現代作品でも国際芸術連盟(JILA)会長、服部和彦氏の作曲個展の指揮者として招かれるほか、東京ディズニーシー15周年"ザ・イヤー・オブ・ウィッシュ"イン・コンサートの指揮を担当するなど、多方面で活躍している。近年はミュージカルの指揮も多く「ジキル&ハイド」「アニー」「Endless SHOCK」「ポーの一族」「ジャック・ザ・リッパー」(日本初演)「ミス・サイゴン」「チャーリーとチョコレート工場」などを担当。


Kotaro FUKUTA, Conductor

“The young Japanese conductor, Kotaro Fukuta, led the Ruse Philharmonic in an exciting and artful performance here in Bulgaria in September of 2010.”
Nayden Tudolov, Director and Chief Conductor of Ruse Philharmonic

Born in Toyama (Japan) in 1981, a young Japanese conductor Kotaro Fukuta began his musical studies with vocal music at Tokyo University of the Arts. Simultaneously, his talent for conducting was rapidly discovered and started conducting as the assistant conductor and choral director of the Opera Associations in Tokyo. In 2004, he took the place of choral director of 'World Peace Praying Concert' in Tokyo for the September 11 attacks. (co-production with the New York City Opera, organized by Fuji Television, one of the most renowned broadcasting station in Japan) He then pursued his conducting studies at Tokyo college of Music Graduate School with Prof. Jun-ichi Hirokami, Prof. Yasuhiko Shiozawa and Mr. Akihiro Kano. In Autumn 2008 he moved to Vienna for further studies and was admitted to the Konservatorium Wien University (Vienna, Austria), where he studied conducting with Professor Georg Mark and Mr. Thomas Doss.

Kotaro has also received master classes from eminent conductors such as Tatsuya Shimono, Andres Orozco-Estrada, and Jorma Panula. At Vienna master course 2010, he was chosen as one of the few conductors to conduct the closing concert and worked with the Lugansk Philharmonic Orchestra.

Kotaro Fukuta currently lives in Tokyo.

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